How to Make Kids Listen: 30 Genius Resources

Up until now, you’ve tried all the parenting techniques you knew as a child, but the traditional methods don’t seem to be working . You’re looking for something better. Something that will help your parenting days feel easier and less stressful.


I remember when I first became a mom and I read countless articles about teaching kids obedience an early age. I heard tips like…

Use the word “No” and to use it often.
Send kids to their rooms.
Hold firm your boundary at all costs.

Those techniques are like the bandaid of parenting. They cover up the boo-boo but they don’t actually heal the wound. After a while, you’ve got a lot of open parenting wounds covered up by bandaids without any real solutions.

This is exhausting, right?

How to make kids listen.

Teaching blind obedience to the word “no” or attempting to “control your kids” leaves you feeling defeated and discouraged as a parent. Because those things don’t really work.

In order to learn how to make kids listen, you need to give your child the skills they need to make smart choices, even when you are not around.

I’m going to show you how to…

    Tap into your child’s motivation so he wants to listen.
    Build your child’s listening skills into a sturdy brick house.
    Enjoy a more peaceful, happier home using proven listening strategies.
I’ve compiled the ultimate list of resources to help you answer the golden question: how to make kids listen. Let’s simplify and start with 4 Basic Tips!

Related: 2 Year Old Not Listening? Try This Remarkable Tip

Tip 1: Let’s take a peak inside your child’s brain.

I could spend hours rambling about your child’s brain all the fancy science behind it. We could talk synapses, myelination, frontal cortex, neuron, cortical and subcortical structures, but truthfully, who has time for that?

Let’s keep it simple. You need a basic understanding of how your child processes information. This is the key unlocking better listening, cooperation, fewer power struggles and more peaceful days. Knowing how your child’s brain works empowers you to shift your approach to one that is more effective. Let’s work smarter, not harder, right?

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